Having raised dogs for 54 years, I have learned a thing or two from them. Dogs have taught me much about being the kind of person I want to be. They taught me to be clearer in my communication; not to mix emotional messages with informative ones; and that my tone holds weight and consistency of action and reaction. Steady the ship, always. And they have helped me learn patience and to laugh when life hands me a challenge. They have given me moments of solitude filled with love and gratitude beyond my wildest expectations. And they helped me learn how important it is to see all things equal.
Dogs gave me my life as I have a very important service dog for seizure alert which actually involves the arteries to my heart seizing. So trusting my dog to alert me is a big deal! I do. This is Eddie, my service dog.
My Royal Frenchel Bulldogs have touched so many lives just thinking about it takes me to a place of silence where words just can’t express the depth of love and kind attention I have witnessed as a result of them. And last these wonderful dogs give me my livelihood which is why we are here today. They are awesome when you really consider the nooks and crannies they get into in life, not being naughty… instead being stellar friends with a mission.
**Learn more about what’s possible in a relationship with your dog in this unusually good sense article, Your Dog & Interspecies Communication.
The Value Of Primary Family
What Are They & Why
Being the creator of Royal Frenchel Bulldogs further inspired me and opened the door to instituting other ways I thought would make a better life and training for the dogs. These were all ways I had already used, but not formally. I had a vision of helping with a better care method. I called it Primary Family Breeding. So, I created a different way to conduct the raising and breeding of the dogs that increased the good of all concerned.
Essentially, it involves families who raise a Royal Frenchel and remain the dog’s Primary Family for life. The dogs are then bred a few times and the families are part of an educative program that covers wonderful dog care, the basics along with breeding information, whelping, etc. It all depends on how far they want to go.
I created special training sessions for our dogs and Primary Family members to learn to create the lives they wanted together with their dog. I record training videos to answer common questions for our Primary Royal Families to enjoy and learn from along with a good deal of hands-on training. The key to the program was to secure a super loving environment for the mama or papa dog to help keep its chemistry in a state of super wellbeing so that those chemicals of joy and best care it received being the star of its family would carry over to the pups. It did and it has proved to be a wonderful program.
If you notice, we try not to use words like “owner”. I believe in treating everyone, person or animal, as a unique personality and soul. I enjoy that type of thinking. It creates a healthy relationship between the dog friend and dog. And it lessens the chances of mistreatment of dogs as well. Quite frankly, I think that people rave about our dogs, not only because they are a unique breed, but also because they stand apart from other dogs when they come to look at them. Due in part to the unique breeding program we have, our dogs have excellent companionship traits. Of course, there are the genes that are inherited, the good care, the massages and many other things identified in Royal Frenchel’s “Secret Sauce”. However, I believe strongly that a happy dog lends itself to having healthier pups and far better manners which it passes on. Due to the special techniques used as they begin to explore their worlds, they are much easier to train.
Some of our Primary Family Breeders are in the program because they feel it is an invaluable experience to share with their children. They find they create wonderful memories while accomplishing goals together that they set from their own dreams. Not all of our dogs are in Primary Families as I am their primary family! But where it is a fit and best situation, close by geographically, etc., I do consider it.
Tangible work ethics become established and ongoing learning becomes a way of life when implementing the program. But most of all, the intimate relationship and bond between the two, person to person or child… goes beyond parent and child and enters the sharing of two people who are sharing well to create a purposeful life with results in mind. Nuances of each person are revealed that would otherwise perhaps be lost in time while living roles in busy life. Of course, the same holds true for the people relating with and to the dog. Learning to care for the dog well and how to whelp (prepare for birth) can be a lifelong joyful memory that engages compassionate relevance that generalizes out to other circumstances in life. It gives the children a sense of worth as well as they see and know the success they created in the midst of this very loving experience.
We view the life with dogs as an adventure in learning and knowing about another species. This is accompanied by an attitude that somehow we are all equal and that we can live with the animal in a way that honors its true needs. That this is the mark of true friendship for which this species is known, Man’s Best Friend. To be a friend we must want to know the other intimately, to have a clear sense of their uniqueness, likes, dislikes, where it’s funny bone is! Then we can know what they truly need to live most excellently and prosper.
Prospering a dog’s world with them is a blast! And as a result, children gain this very important way of embracing differences, their value and how to make a friend without it being one sided – no matter what species it is. The world could use a lot more of that!
In short, Primary Family members are healthy happy dogs living with people who are most happy to share their lives with them and learn from them. Love is present in the pups’ tiny bodies as they are held and treated with great care. Mom’s and Dads hold a role of importance and pride in the family and all is more nourishing.
It is an innovative breeding program that simplifies everything and creates a fun little community of people brought together by their love of dogs, family, friends, and learning! Intimate loving relationships are the key to life everywhere we go. Rich or poor, celebrity or ordinary person. Our intimate beloved family and friends create a wellspring of resource that we benefit from when it is healthy. Our Royal Frenchel Bulldogs are no different. They are exceptional because we trust that the importance of love helps them develop uniquely.