Royal Frenchels touch us deeply, way more so than the average person who ends up getting one ever knows, that is until they have had a few years with their Royal. At first, everyone thinks they love their dog and enjoys their presence, but with a Royal, every year gets better and better.
It astounds us all how deep the roots of love go for our Royal Frenchels. We find ourselves wanting to take them everywhere and yes, you guessed it, we end up taking them, even more places, and it isn’t just because of the good manners that they are so known for. Social Media is filled with those that love their Royal. And so are all the friends of those who added them to their family. Now they have one too!
Royal Frenchels have a great memory, learn so easily and really care about us, each and every one of us. They get you up in the morning, not with a wet sloppy kiss, but all the feelings of one for sure. They then proceed to seem to ask how and what you are doing with the day. And from there you are like two peas in a pod.
They even care about strangers. My Eddie saved a senior woman at a doctors office who thought she had the flu. Eddie ended up alerting on her, so they took her back to check her out. She left on a gurney some moments later. She was having a heart attack! Yup, my Eddie alerts for a type of seizure that involves the arteries to the heart so he responds to heart issues.
They just bowl us over time and time again with their intelligent and yet humble attitudes that reveal their great attention toward us that we either do or don’t deserve!
Ok, enough about all the gushy stuff… Royals are great to take along for lots of reasons.
Royals are great at work dogs too. They serve as therapy dogs for all sorts of people. And they are prized for their service dog work, like Eddie.
We have tons of dogs at work with their people every day. And not just those who work for themselves like our Realtors, computer programmers, or other home jobs. We have tons of dogs going to all sorts of workplaces like teachers, professors, therapists – physical and emotional ones, life coaches, private shop owners, retail stores and big corporations like Amazon, Google, Insurance companies, and yup, even the movie industry in L.A.
They like to get out just like you and me! They enjoy seeing sights, romping in the snow, swimming and so many more things. If you can think of something to do with a Royal Frenchel they will most likely enjoy it as you do.
These dogs are lush purveyors of any snuggle place. They will find the hot spot for love anywhere anytime! Royals love children and old people and if their peeps can’t reach out for whatever reason to give a pet, your Royal will definitely rise to the occasion and get right in their reach.
The article on People Who Get a Royal Frenchel Bulldog says who you are… but what you are in for? Well, that is a gift of a lifetime!
Faith Marie Imagines & Suddenly it Appears!
“I can’t imagine this new stage of my life without my Bennett. He is a very chill guy – though silly and playful at times. He is such a love and he always wants to be near me – he is such a snuggler. He also really loves my older daughter and they have a sweet connection 🙂 We love him so much. It was also such a comfort to have his sweet love over this last month as my 12 year-old Pug/Boston boy passed away.
We just love him so much – and especially me – my girls are here one week on and one week off – and he is my little companion always.
He comes into the office with me 1-3 days per week. He brightens everyone’s day when he is there.
Then 1-2 times per week he exhausts himself playing at the Ballard City Dog location. I understand they have a couple other Royal Frenchels!
Thanks for Everything”
– Faith M