Sawyer – Sold to Candice

Sawyer is a jazzy kind of fellow. He’d do very well in New Orleans!  He’s observant and definitely has his eye on everything, though he is a typical bulldog …  slow and very chill. LOL!

Sawyer responds so intimately and with care to anyone who gives him attention. He adores being spoken to and sung to. So if you’re one who likes to sing in the shower, you’ll have a best pal to come along. 

If Sawyer were a character in a movie, he’d be the super handsome author who his unaware of himself , and dug into his great work. Sawyer definitely feels he was born for service!  He is a very stalwart friend and wouldn’t let go of a promise for anything. Besides being absolutely gorgeous, Sawyer is a great choice for an individual or family.

  • size: Small Nursery
  • gender: Male
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